About me


Hi and welcome! I’m Laura Newman. 

I’m a mom to 2 girls, which means I’m also a chauffeur, chef, seamstress, housekeeper, hair stylist, personal shopper, storyteller, amateur singer, and expert applier-of-Band-Aids.

I’m an AMI-certified Montessori educator having worked with over 100 children and families over the years in Canada and the U.S. and I hold a Master of Education in Developmental Psychology & Education.

As an educator, I noticed a real gap between theory and practice. My intuition only got me so far in handling common — and stressful! — behavioral challenges in my classroom and in my own home. Don’t even get me started on playground etiquette! To close that gap, I became a certified Child Behavior Coach with The Early Years, inc.

So whether you’re a parent, educator, or any type of caregiver living or working with children from infants to teens, I will work with you to customize scripts & strategies that you can implement today. And I coach everyone with compassion and humility, and my advice is always judgment-free. Because we’re all in this together, humans!

My Philosophy



The key to self-sufficiency is to understand and apply strategies guided by principles. When you start with the right principles, you can find your own voice and make your own decisions on the fly and with confidence. That is my goal for you.


Every family and every child is different. One size does not fit all, and accordingly, I offer customized strategies based on every child’s and family’s needs. We’ll work together to develop a reasonable plan with manageable goal posts.


We don’t always see results immediately - but hey, sometimes we do! More often, it’s two steps forward one step back. Change is hard, and it takes time to digest new information. With effort, consistency, and patience, success awaits you.

Rooted in discipline

My intuitions as a mom, teacher, and behavior coach are reinforced by my rigorous training and education, appreciation and respect for every child, and continuous learning through professional development seminars. I study and work to pass the most up-to-date insights to my clients.


Child Behavior Coach


My certification as a Child Behavior Coach with The Early Years has given me a highly valuable skill set to help all types of caregivers manage behavioral challenges with children. On top of all that I am, I am also very clear on what I am not - this is why I have a network of professionals (sleep consultants, nutritionists, occupational therapists, etc.) so that I can refer clients who may need additional help beyond my own expertise.


M.Ed. in Developmental Psychology & Education


My broad study and research in child development in the context of education at the University of Toronto has expanded my understanding of how children learn and evolve through each stage of development. Having studied cognitive and social-emotional development in depth, as well as attachment theory, the importance of play in learning, and the various types of learning styles, I aim to share my expertise and guide you in helping your children thrive.


A.M.I - certified Montessori Educator


As an A.M.I. (Association Montessori Internationale) certified Primary lead guide (ages 3-6) I have designed classroom environments and worked with 100+ children and families over many years. I infuse my Montessori principles and experience into my coaching, specifically fostering independence, building a strong character foundation, encouraging a love of learning in the early years of life, and catering to each child’s individual interests and abilities.

Let’s connect.