Frequently Asked Questions

  • “There’s never a problem until there’s a problem.”

    First, there’s no shame in seeking outside help. Second, you might need help but aren’t sure who to ask.

    The tools and practical tips that I share through my work are useful when dealing with common behavioral challenges and are applicable to all sorts of scenarios. (See Common Topics for a short list of some subjects I can help with.) I offer you customized strategies based on each of your unique scenarios, personal style, and family dynamics.

    We don’t need to let things spiral out of control before we seek outside help, but I’m well positioned to help those who already have spun out!

  • For private coaching we start with a free 20 minute phone call to discuss where you’re at, and I can determine whether my services are a good fit for your needs.

    If we agree to proceed and you’re like “Finally! I can see the light!” then I send you my intake form where you outline your needs & questions in as much detail as the page allows!

    Within 24 business hours after receiving the intake form, I send you the payment contract to secure your spot.

    Once payment is submitted, I share my calendar with you to schedule our sessions.

  • Good question! Over the years I have been building and adding to my network of trusted professionals across Canada and the U.S., such as pediatric sleep consultants, nutritionists, psychologists, occupational therapists, speech & language pathologists, and ABA therapists. I help you determine whether my services and support are adequate, or whether I can refer you to someone who offers more specialized guidance.

  • In the home… no. Children often change their behavior when they feel like they’re being “watched”, so I glean all the necessary details and information from our private sessions.

    Classroom observations are a whole different can of worms, see My Services for details. In some situations — always at the parents’ request and agreement with the teacher — I would go in to observe *without having your child know that I’m there to observe them*. This can be particularly helpful in getting teachers and parents on the same page and able to send clear and consistent messages between home and school.

  • I don’t offer full or partial refunds (sorry!) but I definitely get that kids get sick and stuff comes up. We can always reschedule a session as long as you let me know within 12 hours.

  • Could we hash it all out in one long meeting where I give you all the theory on paper and say, “K byeee good luck!!” I mean, technically I could… but I won’t.

    In my experience, the work we do to change behaviors is a process where things evolve and questions come up over time.

    Every child and set of circumstances is so nuanced, which is why I work 1:1 and space it out over 4 or 8 weekly sessions.

    HOWEVER. That being said, I can work with you to tweak the package as needed - whether you’d like bi-weekly sessions to start, or whether after a couple of sessions you’re like, “Problem solved!” - you can always save your remaining sessions (they don’t expire), or for another child, or you can even gift any remaining sessions to a friend… we can discuss. #whateverworks!

  • This is a very real and common concern. We all have different styles and personalities, and often it can be challenging to get our partners or other caregivers on board with a plan to change behaviors so that we are not sending conflicting messages to our children.

    As part of our private consultations and written recaps, I make sure that you’re able to convey the information with all others that care for your child.

    When necessary, I also facilitate conversations with teachers, grandparents, nannies/babysitters and of course, partners/spouses.

More questions?
Just reach out.