Common Topics



Let’s tackle tantrums without adding fuel to the fire. We will discuss what sets your child off (it could be literally anything!) and I’ll share effective strategies to help you ride the emotional wave. You’ll learn that it’s not our job to get our children to stop crying and adopt appropriate responses to help keep your cool. Your confidence will grow so that you and your child can get through these inevitable outbursts together.


Hitting / Biting

Whether your child is the offender or the offended, there are certain hard and fast rules we must stick to, and hurting ourselves or one another is top of that list. I offer specific strategies and language which will curb this most undesirable behavior, all while showing your child that you are a pillar of love and strength whose job it is to protect them and help them make better choices.


Sibling Rivalry

Conflict, especially between siblings, is inevitable - but that doesn’t mean we have to accept the status quo. I’ll coach you through helpful strategies so that you’re no longer playing referee. Instead, you’ll teach your children to co-exist and learn to problem solve together. Sound impossible? Try it. The proof, as they say, is in the pudding.


Potty Learning

We will discuss the physical, mental and emotional signs of potty readiness, best practices in terms of an actual plan, useful apparatus and books, as well as how to handle regressions and eliminate power struggles. This is a huge milestone for children, and I will help take the stress and uncertainty out of it so that you can coach your own child with confidence.

Mealtimes & Picky Eating

We all experience battles surrounding food from time to time, whether it’s throwing food, refusing to sit at the table, picky eating, or not eating at all! I will help you set appropriate boundaries and reduce power struggles in this area so that you can look forward to sharing meals without resorting to bargaining and punishments - that way you can focus on the conversation and enjoy each other’s company around the table.


Sleep & Daily Routines

Sleep is often the first thing to consider when looking to change behaviors. I don’t pretend to be a sleep consultant, but I can help determine whether your child’s routine and schedule needs tweaking and troubleshoot bedtime shenanigans. Same goes for getting out the door in the morning - while there is no magic wand to eliminate the stress, we can definitely work to reduce it. Let’s start and end our days with more peace.



Children require - and even crave - boundaries. While it may be developmentally appropriate for them to test, test, test, we may not always know how to handle the push back. I will help you outline your limits and practice being firm and fair. Every family’s rulebook looks different, and I will help you determine what is acceptable to you, why certain things are non-negotiable, and when it’s important to be flexible.



We often confuse the term consequence with punishment, and discipline with obedience. The truth is, we don’t need to be punitive to teach and we’ll discuss what it means to be self-disciplined. It’s our job as parents and educators to show children that their actions have an impact on the people around them. We will talk about “time-outs” and other band aid solutions, and learn to implement natural and logical consequences that teach.


Fears & Anxiety

The word “anxiety” is sometimes overused, and we’ll work together to decode your child’s behavior and identify possible red flags. We will discuss best practices when responding to your child’s big feelings and how to teach appropriate coping skills. Some common topics include nightmares, separation anxiety (which can look different at different ages), major life changes like moving, the arrival of a new sibling, or losing a pet or loved one.

Challenging behaviors are surprisingly common.